Saturday, December 18, 2010

So easy -So Sexy - Duck Proscuitto

This only takes about a week, perfect for a staying-in date night. With a little bit of timing you can pull out perfectly aged duck prosciutto on just in time for Saturday night.

Get out your duck breast, this is organic duck from NY state near my parents house picked up at the same place we got our thanksgiving turkey.

So simple I didn't even photograph it. On a small dish cover both sides with a healthy cover of salt, wrap entire plate in saran wrap, place some heavy cans on top of the duck to squeeze it, throw it in the fridge for 24 hours.

There the hard part's done.

Rinse off salt and pat dry. The meat will be firm and a deep red

Rub both sides with a layer of ground white pepper, will slightly flavor the meat and helps keep the bugs away.

Wrap them up in a few layers of cheesecloth and let them hang out for about a week. If you don't have a sweet dry-cure room, they can hang at any space that's between 50-60 dgs, basements, garages, etc.

A week later, grab your breasts and get in the kitchen. Disrobe the cheesecloth, you should see something like this:

Mostly online I've seen it cut into strips allowing each to have a thick sliver of outer fat.

I sliced mine lengthwise, from the inside to the outer layer of fat. I don't care how you do it. I used the meat slicer my wife bought me. If your wife didn't buy you meat slicer, you can get a new one or a long sharp knife.

Super easy, and pulling out some secretly made duck prosciutto, unwrapping it from it's pouch and serving it can make staying in with a bottle of wine an extra fun time.

Zero Waste Policy: I took the fatty remains and rendered them down and saved the fat, before it solidifies, I threw some garlic and rosemary. The Fat will be great in grilled veggies, french fries, popcorn or any other butter/oil replacement

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